KA2 Innovation: Adult education

The “STEPs” project aims to give opportunities to prisoners, to free them from ignorance, social awkwardness and “disability” and to offer them support and restorative experience to escape from the vicious circle of marginalization, crime and unemployment. The way to break this cycle is to foster confidence, to live by using legal means and to avoid the recurrence, so as to choose education and training before their release and through this facilitate job finding and avoid marginalization, unemployment and eventual criminality.

The “STEPs” project’s partners will work together to create an innovative training material, which will be used in prison schools, rehabilitation centers and other related structures.

This material, used by trained teachers or trainers, could contribute in supporting the reintegration of prisoners into society, the primary objective being that the detainees will be freed from negative emotions, such as anger, aggression, rejection, disappointment etc.

The “STEPs” will give prisoners the necessary help to carry on as equal citizens, with rights and obligations and it will provide prisoners with support before and after the release, combined with career counseling, learning social and life skills and preparing the person for the transition from prison to the community.

The “STEPs” plans to provide the necessary specialized learning support and the adaptation of the learning material emphasizing: a) the characteristics and needs of the detained adult learner, b) the obstacles encountered in learning and c) the accomodative and inspired role assumed by the adult trainer in the learning process mainly as a person rather than a knowledge institution.

The project methodology links in two separate innovation processes, which fully support the selected priorities.

The first one is based on the field of systemic / postmodern counseling which touch at the consultative process as a language – interactive event. It considers that the speech in the context of speakers’ interactions has manufacturing capacity and perform social action. The person is characterized from a dynamic displacement on the voices’ positions, when the interpersonal interaction happens and the speech is produced. Furthermore, it contains elements of systemic research, highlighting the circularity at the process of interaction.

The second one regards on the creation of a dynamic virtual reality system (VR), consisting of rooms, narrative stories, videos, photographs and newspaper articles. The administrator, through this system, creates dynamically the environments within the user acts, either by reusing already registered materials, or by adding new ones.

The management system would be able to

  • insert, update, delete materials from its database,
  • manage materials such as rooms, narrative stories, videos, photos and articles from newspapers, with their metadata
  • create and manage stories. Each story, within the user acts, will consist of a title, a room, a narrative and a number of materials from the system database

The website of our project will be hosted here: www.steps.eepek.gr

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/supportprisoners/ 


Duration: 01-11-2018 till 31-08-2021

Project Number:2018-1-EL01-KA204-047874

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