KA2 project

The PISA results (2012) show that 22.1% of European students were low achievers in maths. Which means that more than one out of five youngsters in Europe is not equipped with that basic skill necessary for numerous valuable job in our current economy.


Many academic papers and global reports, such as the “Mathematics Education in Europe: Common Challenges and National Policies” from the Eurydice network point out the importance the learner’s motivation and engagement. Indeed the mathematics suffer deeply from a “bad reputation” amongst youngsters: too difficult, useless, etc. The learners also often believe that the difficulty of mathematics is too high for them and that they cannot do anything about it.


Based on our experience we are convinced that not only everyone can reach a decent level in mathematics but also that most of the youngsters can enjoy the experience if lead properly to it. However, to do that, another approach is necessary: a non-formal approach where youngsters of all age can enjoy and understand the mathematics by using them and playing with them.

The Objectives

– To develop a practical approach for improving the basic skills on mathematics for youth.

– To promote a better quality of youth work by developing the competences of educators/youth workers by giving them access to a methodology for mathematics training of training, a field usually left away.

-To promote the employability of the youngsters by improving their level in the crucial skills that are the mathematics.


More info about the project will be provided after the official launch of the project.

Duration: 2016-2018

Project identification: 2016-1-BE01-KA201-016298
