European Youth at the Frontlines of Active Citizenship: A Roadmap towards a collective “South-North-East-West” Momentum is a Project that provides a platform to empower young people from areas with less opportunities to explore innovative ways for active civil participation in the democratic processes in our European societies.

A selected network of youth multipliers will be trained, mentored and receive financial support for grassroots youth-led outreach initiatives, with the objective to directly support our societies’ aspirations to achieve social and economic prosperity.

The young multipliers will be challenged to identify ways to influence policies and participate in the democratic processes of their communities. Their task will be to come up with an initiative around a selected cause, with the goal of creating a ripple effect across local communities located at the North- South and West- East axes of Europe that will impact our societies as a force for good.

The project participants can select a specific cause from one of these 5 Core Areas:

  • Education and lifelong learning
  • Social and Community Issues
  • Environment and Sustainability
  • Culture and Heritage
  • Health and Wellbeing


In this link, you can find the monthly challenges of participants



Celebration of the EU day

Project website:

Project duration: 15th January 2020 until 15th  December 2020 (11 months)

Project number: 614784-EPP-1-2019-1-MK-EPPKA3-EU-YTH-TOG

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